KEAM 2014 Entrance Exam

KEAM 2014 Entrance Exam for engineering candidates is scheduled to be held on 21 & 22 April 2014 by Commission of Entrance Exam of KEAM Kerala. Candidates willing and interested, registration was open from 11 January 2014 and candidates should know that admission will be done on merit basis. A 50:50 ratio weightage will be taken from KEAM 2014 Entrance Exam and Class XII marks.


Seat allocation in KEAM 2014 is divided into two parts: Government Seats which is allotted by The Commissioner of Entrance Exam and Management Seats which is allotted by The College Management.  Government allotted seat available in all Government colleges and Government aided colleges. There are also government seats available in private institutions and other self support institutions which will be notified to the candidates separately.


The Eligibility in KEAM CEE 2014 Entrance Exam is that a candidate must be 17 years till December 2014; Candidates must be Indian citizen and origin which are further classified in to Keralite in which a candidate under this cannot enjoy certain reservations, physical disability or community reservations. The next one is Non-Keralite (category 1) (NK I)in this the non-keralite pass the qualifying exam and Non-Keralite (category 2)(NK II) in this they did not fall under any other category so they are under the Management Quota. And as for the Academic eligibility Minimum of 50% in Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Computer Science in Kerala HSC and Separate 50% in mathematics is also required. And candidate should have minimum of 50% in Diploma of at least three years. There is also seat reservation according to Nominees, specially-able person, mandatory, Defense and compulsory reservations.


The Application form for KEAM 2014 Entrance Exam was released on 11 January 2014. Candidates can buy the KEAM Entrance Exam forms, Security card which is a unique number used to make payments or prospectus from selected post offices in and outside Kerala. And also candidates can fill the form online on the official website of KEAM 2014 Entrance Exam. Payments are of Rs.800 for General and Rs.400 for ST/SC. Candidates less than Rs.40000 Income are exempted from the fee. And for opting Dubai as a center of examination candidate must pay Rs.12000 Extra. Payments can be made through demand draft in favor of THE COMMISSIONER OF ENTRANCE EXAM payable at Thiruvananthapuram. The last date of submission is on 5 February 2014.


The KEAM CEE 2014 Entrance exam result will be declared around 25 June 2014.