VITEEE 2014 Application Form and Admit Card


VITEEE 2014 - Application Form


The governing body has released the VITEEE application form for the academic session 2014-15, which is Vellore Technical University. The forms were released on 4 December 2013 and the last date for filling the form is due in the mid week of April 2014. The candidates interested in filling the form have the option of filling the form in either in online mode or offline mode. In online mode, the candidate will have to visit the official website of VIT and make payment through online gateways while in offline mode the candidate will have to download the application form from the official website. There will be no physical sale of application form and will have to send the application form with the demand draft of the requisite amount drawn in favor of “VIT University” payable at Vellore. 

The candidates filling the application form in online mode will have to make a payment of Rs. 925 while the candidates opting for offline mode will have to make the payment of Rs. 975 for availing the application form. The candidates can choose the option for filling the application form on their free will and choice but only criteria that they should keep in mind while filling the form is eligibility. The eligibility is crucial as the cross checking is done at the later stage and if it is found that the candidate is not eligible then the application of the candidate stands cancel.

VITEEE 2014 - Admit Card

The VITEEE 2014 admit card will also be issued to only those candidates who are eligible and have filled the form. Any candidate without the admit card will not be allowed to give the exam hence, it is always better on the candidates behalf to take a print out of the document as and when it is downloaded and be carried along to the exam center.

The admit card will be issued to only those candidates who have successfully filled and submitted the form and online test booking. The hall ticket or admit card will be uploaded on the VIT official website and further the candidates can download it from there.